
I love working with those of us that don’t fit in because we have perspectives that I don’t find in others. Also, when you don’t “fit the mold”… sometimes those experiences can be pretty rough. You may be feeling like you have to put on a “happy face” and it’s just not working anymore… maybe you just want to be invisible… or maybe you just want to find one person that “gets it”. If you’re dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, burn out, compassion fatigue, or addiction… you may be feeling pretty awful right now… but wait. I have experienced some of this myself and found some really cool tools and approaches out there that I would like to share with you.

There are times when you may have felt hopeless, as if there are no answers. I can tell you that I have seen people find ways to manage some pretty tough situations… and I’d love to go with you on this journey. You just need to make that first step. I know it’s hard but what could be more important? Be it me or another counselor, you’re here for a reason, please reach out. Click here or call 512-553-2054 to set up your free 15 minute phone consultation.

I can help your mind and body get acquainted again… or introduce them if they haven’t quite met yet. We can talk about breathing, mindfulness, yoga, EMDR, Somatic Experiencing, Internal Family Systems and more. If you’re thinking… what the hell is she talking about… let’s set up that consultation to see if any of these are a good fit for you.

Just so you know a bit about who you’re talking to… I pretty much always wanted to work in this area and have been particularly drawn to understanding (or trying to understand) how all of us humans work. I’ve studied a few things related to humans, and got my Masters in Counseling in 2005 and have been licensed since 2010. I’ve lived in a few different places inside and outside the United States, which gave me some additional good perspectives about people and culture. My current licenses are below - Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Supervisor (LMFT-S) & Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC). I’ve also got a few certifications and training’s under my belt too (i.e. EMDR, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) and more)… I will say this list is going to keep growing because I love learning about new tools that you can use to feel good again (or if you never did, to get you feeling good for the first time in your life!).

I’m licensed in a few States as I’ve found that’s been helpful for people. I can meet virtually with you if you are in any of the following States:

California: LMFT 48885

Colorado: LMFT 0002054

Oregon: T1989

Pennsylvania: LMFT MF001333

Texas: LMFT-S 202085 *** LCDC 14946

Washington: LF61397161

Reach out to schedule your FREE 15 minute phone consultation today here or call 512-553-2054.